
I have an httpd server running CGI which use cookies to identify users.
The problem is that I would like to log the username in httpd logs.
The only solution I ve found is adding an HTTP Response Header called
X-CGI-USERNAME but I had to write a module that removes it *(because I don't
want my users to receive this header)* just after copying it in the httpd
environment* (so I can use it in LogFormat)*.

I've read in the *rfc3875 (CGI) line 1502:*
  * There may be additional implementation-defined CGI header fields,
   whose field names SHOULD begin with "X-CGI-".  The server MAY ignore
   (and delete) any unrecognized header fields with names beginning "X-
   CGI-" that are received from the script.*
The question is: are you planning to make httpd filter headers starting with
X-CGI-, or do you have another solution so I don't have to use my own
 It would be great if you could add a directive that allows us to keep or
remove those headers.

Thanks in advance.

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