On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 14:53 +0100, Conte Szandor wrote:
> Goodmorning you all,
> I am new to apache and I am already having problems.
> I'm running Server version: Apache/2.2.3 on debian etch, it starts and I 
> fixed 
> some its strangies but it still shows the document root in the address bar.
> when I connect to my own site, instead only showing ducktale.org it shows 
> ducktale.org/apache2-default and I checked over and over the httpd.conf but 
> it still does it. 
> any ideas?
> here below theres my httpd.conf
> thenks in adv

(conf looks fine)
I guess ducktale.org isnt a real site? No DNS records from here...
Can you show output from this command - you may need to install netcat
(the command nc).

echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: ducktale.org\n" | nc $hostname 80

$hostname should be the name of the host/IP apache is running on.


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