        I currently have an apache server running as a load-balancer between
multiple tomcat machines. My problem is this: I would like to be able to
update the tomcat machines without bringing down the whole system and
disrupting users. Ideally, a machine would be flagged to stop servicing
new requests, but continue serving old sessions until they expired.
        From the documentation, It looks like using a status worker to set the
activation to disabled is supposed to do something like this. However
when I disabled a node, it stops serving all requests. Am I wrong about
how this is supposed to work?
        One thought is that I am using the Tomcats to manage sessions and
Apache doesn't know enough about them to know if they are expired or
not? Do I need to enable some sort of session management on the apache
side? It seems to me that if apache is able to route requests correctly,
it should know something of the sessions.

I apologize for the long post, but wanted to be complete.
I can post workers.properties, etc. if needed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You!

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