Hi chaps,

We've got a problem with a new ubuntu server which we've setup to be our SVN 
and TRAC box. For months we've been doing testing on how to move the sites 
over, configure them for LDAP at the same time, and we haven't had a problem. 
However, as often happens due to sods law, when the box went live with all our 
svn sites (around 100 or so with around 80 users) we started getting sudden 
Internal Server Errors appear in the browsers when viewing Trac sites (or when 
viewing SVNs in a browser) and the SVN clients reported that they couldn't 

Checking the /var/log/apache2/error.log shows the following for each attempt to 
view a site.

[Thu Jan 15 08:56:15 2009] [warn] [client <IP>] [29467] auth_ldap authenticate: 
user administrator authentication failed; URI /svn/project1 
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Can't contact LDAP server]

This is easily solved by restarting apache. It all suddenly comes back again 
for a period of time (maybe 4 hours, may be more or less really).

The only changes we have made to the default LDAP config is to change the 
LDAPConnectionTimeout to 20 seconds. The LDAP server in this case is an Active 
Directory server also handling authentication for other boxes and users, and 
they continue to authenticate during this period without any problem.

Any ideas what may be causing this sudden drop our or how I can find out more ?


G2 Support
Online Backups

Email:  oliver.marsh...@g2support.com<mailto:oliver.marsh...@g2support.com>
Web:    http://www.g2support.com

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