
I am having an issue. I have a webserver that is running Apache 2.2 with
proxy_pass that talks to an app server running JBOSS. The issue I am having
is that any time we upload a file, on the apache side we are getting 503 if
the file is over 17mb.

We are running Proxy Balancer and our setting is

<Proxy balancer://app1>
   BalancerMember ajp://jbossserver:31091 smax=20 max=10 loadfactor=1
   ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic timeout=5

VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName myvirt.server.com
   CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l
/var/log/httpd/server.access.%Y%m%d.log 86400" combined
   ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l /var/log/httpd/server.error.%Y%m%d.log
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteLog "/var/log/httpd/rewrite.log"
   RewriteLogLevel 3
   RewriteRule ^/APP$ http:// myvirt.server.com/APP/ [L]
   RewriteRule ^/$ http:// myvirt.server.com/APP/ [L]

   ProxyRequests Off
   ProxyPreserveHost On

   ProxyPass /APP balancer://app1/APP/  stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid

Is there anything on the apache side that I could adjust, the other thing we
are having an issue with speed, this app takes forever.

Charles "Chuck" Payne
System Administrator
Travel Channel
3700 Mansell Rd, Suite 500
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Email:  chuck.pa...@travelchannel.com
Desk Phone:  404-269-5533 (x65533)
Fax Number: 404-269-5461
Blackberry Number:  770-940-7765
Personal Cell: 404-451-3579
aim: terrorp
gtalk: terror...@gmail.com

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