> >
> > When one is not busy, (and I know we all never are not busy)
> > perhaps take a look at setting up http.sys for certain
> > users only access (databases, web services, etc.)
> >
> > Http.sys is not just for IIS7!
> > It is for any Windows HTTP usage.
> > A lot of products use http.sys.
> > ASF can use http.sys too.
> >
> >> - The apache is running mod_security. Is there a equivalent om IIS?
> >
> > Not needed but perhaps look up URLScan.
> >
> > Using Windows PowerShell yet?
> >
> > Yep change is tough on all of us!
> Enough with http.sys, already! 


Hey we all agree so one port for all HTTP

access from any number of processes (even 

a process from anywhere in the world) to do

admin actions, web serving and whatever,

is the safest on one sharing port, right?


And that Apache users will never again let a

Apache user say only one process per port for

the following protocols HTTP, TCP, PIPES, and 

MESSAGE, right?


And that putting an Apache (any OS) web server

in front of IIS (like IIS 6, IIS 7, and IIS7.5) is in

no way ever needed, right?


> > Yep change is tough on all of us!
> Enough with http.sys, already! 


Yep it's time to learn how to get any type of tracking

(grep gps charting) using a .NET process, Windows 

PowerShell that is now included in AD, Exchange, and 

many other products that Apache (all OS) users use 

everyday, and talk about in this list).


Thanks for helping to explain http.sys.




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