
I have basic authentication working for svn on apache 2.2.  When I try to 
switch it to digest authenticated it does not work.


Configuration with Digest Authentication:

<Location /svn>

            DAV svn

            SVNListParentPath on

            SVNParentPath C:\server\repos

            AuthType Digest

            AuthName “Repos”

            AuthDigestDomain /svn

            AuthUserFile  C:\test\ auth_file

            Require valid-user



Error Log:

[Thu Mar 12 09:24:03 2009] [error] [client] Digest: user `user1' 
in realm `\x93Repos\x94' not found: /svn/root/proj/


I added user1 to the digest file with this command:

C:\test >htdigest -c svn_authd_file "Repos" user1

Adding password for user1 in realm ΓÇ£ReposΓÇ¥.

New password: ********

Re-type new password: ********


I tried it without the quotes around realm as well


Configuration with Basic Authentication:

<Location /svn>

            DAV svn

            SVNListParentPath on

            SVNParentPath C:\server\repos

            AuthType Basic

            AuthName “Repos”

            AuthUserFile  C:\test\auth_file

            Require valid-user



Any help would be appreciated.



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