Hello All,

I ran into an issue today while I was configuring an HTTPS to HTTP proxy
utilizing mod_ssl and mod-proxy. I am using the proxy server as my front-end
SSL offloader. In front of the proxy is my router that is doing NAT.

So the problem I am having is that I can reach the site from the outside via
the NAT'd IP of the proxy server but when I try to login to the app, it will
come up and say, "your session has timed out. Please try again." So I went
to the proxy server locally and brought up firefox and went to the internal
HTTP webserver directly and I was able to log in just fine.

I know nothing about Jboss and Tomcat but it seems to me that problem is
with the proxy, not Jboss or Tomcat as I can login successfully to the local
webserver from the proxy console.

Anyone here have any ideas of what might be happening? I have increased the
TTLs in the proxy statements in the specific vhost but no luck. Could this
be a cookie issue and/or does caching need to be configured on the proxy?

Thank You in advance.


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