Hi All;

I have a laptop running Fedora10 x86_64.

I started the default config and I can go to http://localhost and I see the 
expected Fedora Test Page.

I want to install a web site in /stage/webpages/csweb (/stage is a separate 
file system) so I did this:

1) I checked to make sure the httpd.conf file was including the conf.d/* files 
with this line in the httpd.conf file:

Include conf.d/*.conf

2) I added this file (named csweb.conf) to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory:

 # Setup directory: /stage/webpages/csweb
 AliasMatch ^/csweb(?:/(?:de|en|fr|ja|ko|ru))?(/.*)?$ 

<Directory "/stage/webpages/csweb">
 Options Indexes
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

I restarted apache (service httpd restart) and I go to 
"http://localhost/csweb"; and I get this:


You don't have permission to access /csweb on this server

Here's my Linux permissions on the directories: 

 (ls -l / | grep stage)
 drwxrwxrwx 18 root root 4096 2009-04-07 10:45 stage

 (ls -l /stage | grep webpages)
 drwxrwxr-x 4 kkempter kkempter 4096 2009-04-07 10:46 webpages

 (ls -l /stage/webpages | grep csweb)
 drwxrwxr-x 17 kkempter kkempter 4096 2009-04-07 12:41 csweb

Thoughts ?

Thanks in advance

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