Hmmm.. i am not sure about the second error. But the first one related to
apr rings some bell. Did you try using --with-apr option to explicitly
mention path to apr libraries if you have them separately built?

Prasanna Ram

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Nishaliny Thurairatnam

> Hi,
> I'm trying to install httpd2.2.11 on a CentOS 5 x86_64. This installation
> is to exists as a second apache instance on the server. I've 2 problems so
> far:
> *First*
> My initial configure options were like so:
> ./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd2 --enable-modules=all
> --enable-mods-shared="all cache proxy authn_alias mem_cache file_cache
> rewrite" --enable-suexec --enable-ssl --with-mysql --with-apxs
> --with-port=80 --with-program-name=httpd2
> I have in fact successfully done an installation on another CentOS
> server(similar to the above) with these parameters recently. However, on
> this server, I get the following configure error (complete logs in
> config.log.1, as attached):
> /
> checking whether to enable mod_auth_digest... checking dependencies
> You need APR random support to use mod_auth_digest.
> Look at APR configure options --with-egd and --with-devrandom.
> checking whether to enable mod_auth_digest... configure: error:
> mod_auth_digest has been requested but can not be built due to prerequisite
> failures/
> I tried to re-configure using first /"--with-egd/", which failed, and then
> tried /"--with-devrandom=/dev/urandom", /which also failed miserably.
> Then, from the logs, it seemed that configure was looking for apr in a
> directory that did not exist(at least from my understanding). In the
> specified location, I had a directory called "apr-1", so I created a
> softlink called "apr" pointing to "apr-1". That did not make any difference.
> After many unsuccessful trials, I decided to switch and try
> "/--enable-mods-shared=most"/. That's where the second error came in.
> *Second*
> My second configure options were like so:
> ./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd2 --enable-modules=all
> --enable-mods-shared="most cache proxy authn_alias mem_cache file_cache
> rewrite" --enable-suexec --enable-ssl --with-mysql --with-apxs
> --with-port=80 --with-program-name=httpd2
> This gave a more interesting error, which was (config.log.2, as attached):
> /
> checking whether to enable mod_userdir... shared (most)
> checking whether to enable mod_alias... shared (most)
> checking whether to enable mod_rewrite... shared
> configure: error: shared objects have been requested but cannot be built
> since mod_so cannot be built
> /I have Googled the skies and could not find any workable solution, and the
> weird thing is that most of the other people who have previously encountered
> this problem, work on BSD's or AIX's or similar. Plus, they all date way
> back to year 2002-2003.
> It's got to be something that I'm doing wrong, or just missing, BUT I JUST
> Please, someone, anyone, any thoughts/ideas that might save me?
> Thanks a million in advance!
> Regards,
> Nisha
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