   i have debian lenny 64bit lenny server with intel quadcore cpu and 4gb ram 
(fastcgi 2.4.6). i have about 1.4 tb traffic month on this server. my problem 
is the speed of fastcgi application. when i want the visit one website on my 
server somethimes i must wait about 4 seconds the view the site. after them the 
speed is better. you can try the visit these site and you will see somethimes 
you must wait some seconds the view the site: http://www.board2null.de . when i 
restart/reload the webserver everything ist going very fast for 30 minutes. 
after them the speed ist very bad again. please help me to solve the problem. 
is my configuration bad? i have many visitors per day: about 5000.... 

  hostnamelookups are OFF
  KeepAlive is On
  MaxKeepAliveRequests is 60
  KeepAliveTimeout is 3

  my fastcgi config:

  <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
          FastCgiWrapper On
          FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi2

          FastCgiConfig -minProcesses 60 \
                    -maxProcesses 900 \
                    -idle-timeout 80 \
                    -singleThreshold 100 \
                    -maxClassProcesses 10 \
                    -multiThreshold 100 \
                    -killInterval 20 \
                    -startDelay 5
                    # -autoUpdate \
                    # -pass-header HTTP_AUTHORIZATION


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