On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 22:37 +0200, ml ml wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> it still does not work if i use:
> <VirtualHost>
>  ServerName webmail.example.com
>  SSLEngine on
>  SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/webmail.example.cert
>  SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/webmail.example.key
>  SSLProxyEngine on
>  RewriteEngine on
>  RewriteRule ^/$ /exchange [R]
>  ProxyPass /exchange https://webmail.example.com/exchange
>  ProxyPassReverse /exchange https://webmail.example.com/exchange
>  #ProxyPass /exchweb https://webmail.example.com/exchweb
>  #ProxyPassReverse /exchweb https://webmail.example.com/exchweb
>  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> </VirtualHost>
> Still the same error. Any further ideas?
> Thanks,
> Mario

This configuration is nonsense. It says "This site is
https://webmail.example.com, and you get its content by proxying to
https://webmail.example.com";, which is why you get these loops. You
cannot proxy yourself to yourself and expect to get something that

Seeing how this is certainly not your real config, I can't guess as to
what you are intending. You need to proxy to your exchange server, and
using the name that apache can use to get there.

Eg. if your exchange server is 'mail01.example.com', and your apache
server is 'webmail.example.com', then your proxy lines should be:

ProxyPass /exchange https://mail01.example.com/exchange
ProxyPassReverse /exchange https://mail01.example.com/exchange

Your apache server, according to your conf file, is accessible at
https://webmail.example.com , so it is not possible for your exchange
server to be at the same address. Put the right address in, and it will


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