Hello All,


I have a webserver having following configurations. It having only one
website and around 1000 people browsing simultaneously.

Now we  need to put Moodle LMS into this webserver for which students able
to attend Quiz upload assignments (MSword,PDF etc).

After migrating to this, the simultaneous users will be increase to 2000.
When I tested it Apache takes the complete resources and system failed.

So what kind of changes should I made on httpd.conf to work this ?


Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  E5430  @ 2.66GHz. 8CPU


Apache 2.2.3

MySQL 5.0.45


KeepAlive off

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100


<IfModule prefork.c>

StartServers       15

MinSpareServers    5

MaxSpareServers   20

ServerLimit      512

MaxClients       512

MaxRequestsPerChild  4000





Greetings ....




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