What about this:

DirectoryIndex index.cfm

Or maybe changing the redirect to

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1 [P]

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:41 PM, K. Clair <kcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to figure out if the following is possible. Let me know if
> anyone has any ideas!
> I have a webserver that takes all incoming requests, and I am trying
> to proxy all coldfusion requests to another server.
> So I have set up a rewrite to catch the requests based on filenames
> and proxy them, like so:
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} .*\.cfm|cfc|cfml|jsp|jws$ [NC]
> RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [P]
> This is configured to apply across many virtual hosts, so the proxy
> server needs to know the requested hostname.  Therefor, I'm also using
> ProxyPreserveHost On in the server config.
> This is all working splendidly except for directory requests which
> come in as /, and where the index file is index.cfm.  To catch these
> requests, it seems I need to put the rewrite in a .htaccess file.
> However, ProxyPreserveHost cannot go in the .htaccess file, and it
> being set to On in the main server config is not carrying over to the
> .htaccess file.  So when the rewrite goes in the .htaccess file,
> requests to / get properly proxied, but the proxy server cannot answer
> correctly because the requested hostname is lost.
> Thoughts??  and Thanks!
> -K
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