On Tue, 2009-07-07 at 14:47 +0100, Nick Kew wrote:
> Tom Evans wrote:
> > [chop]
> That rewrite stuff happens before authentication.
> You would need to put your rewriterules inside a <Location>
> to activate them after it's happened.

Isn't that the point of %{LA-U:FOO}, to do a subrequest to get access to
things that aren't available till after? It is the canonical example of
%{LA-U:FOO} in the docs.

Eg, [1] says:
        %{LA-U:variable} can be used for look-aheads which perform an
        internal (URL-based) sub-request to determine the final value of
        variable. This can be used to access variable for rewriting
        which is not available at the current stage, but will be set in
        a later phase. 
        For instance, to rewrite according to the REMOTE_USER variable
        from within the per-server context (httpd.conf file) you must
        use %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} - this variable is set by the
        authorization phases, which come after the URL translation phase
        (during which mod_rewrite operates).

[1] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritecond



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