Please do not top-post.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Before I received a reply, I did some testing and added Options Indexes FollowSymLinks to my alias directive, and everything started working.

It should go in a <Directory /your/document/root> block in the <VirtualHost *:80> block. If there is no <VirtualHost> block, then somewhere after the DocumentRoot declaration. It should be Options +FollowSymLinks (always use +/- before the option)

I am curious though, I did not add a "+" before, yet it is still working. What is the benefit to adding that?

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks  # Enable only these options
Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks # Add these two options to any previously enabled options

So if you were to do:

<VirtualHost ...>
    <Directory /webroot>
Options FollowSymLinks # Only FollowSymLinks, all other options disabled
    <Directory /webroot/cgi>
        Options ExecCGI # Only ExecCGI, all other options disabled
    <Directory /webroot/uploads>
        Options +Indexes # FollowSymLinks and Indexes are both enabled


Doug Bell -- Senior Developer, Plain Black Corp.
[ ]
all that groks is

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Doug Bell <> wrote:
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

I am running Mac OS X 10.5.7 with Apache 2.2.11 installed.  I have an
audio application that creates an html log file of tracks that are
playing.  I am trying to use a symbolic link to access the html file
so I can post it on my site over my LAN. The file resides in a directory inside
of my documents folder...
/Users/[username]/Documents/MegaSeg User Data/Logs
I have verified that the permissions to all of the parent directories
have at least execute privileges for others.  The html log file I am
trying to link to has the following privileges...
-rw-r--r--@  1 [username]  staff    625 Jul 10 17:17 NowPlaying.html
I used the following command to setup my symbolic link...
ln -s /Users/[username]/Documents/MegaSeg\ User\ Data/Logs/
NowPlaying.html nowplaying.html
That seemed to work fine, because when I do an ls -al in my website's
folder I see the link.  I have a basic index.html, with a link to
nowplaying.html, but when I click on the link I get a 403 Forbidden

What does the error log say exactly? <- find your error log here

In reading the Apache documentation, I found that I may need to have FollowSymLinks somewhere in my configuration, but I am not sure from the Apache documentation where that should go. I assume it would either be in the form of a .htaccess file, or somewhere in the httpd.conf file. It should be noted that the DocumentRoot directory I am using is configured as an Alias in my httpd.conf. I am sure that this is configured correctly as I can access it just fine over my LAN.

It should go in a <Directory /your/document/root> block in the <VirtualHost *:80> block. If there is no <VirtualHost> block, then somewhere after the DocumentRoot declaration. It should be Options +FollowSymLinks (always use +/- before the option)

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