Hi All

I have a nicely working Apache 2.2 proxying to Tomcat 6 via mod_jk (Ubuntu
Jaunty). I need to slap up a quick basic auth user/password on the site to
only allow special guests into the site for an initial limited release. I
thought I could just put something like this:

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Site Restricted to Special Guests"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd/passwords
                Require valid-user

In my Directory section. This works when I remove the JkMount - but as soon
as mod_jk is in play, authentication is ignored and it goes straight through
to tomcat. At present I am proxying everything to Tomcat so my JkMount is

    JkMount             /*              tomcat

tomcat defined as


In my workers.properties file

Any ideas? Is this even possible? From reading various lists and doco it
seems to be a quite legitimate use of the modules.

Thanks in advance

I did have a signature, but the dog ate it.

google:steve.dalton | skype:spidieman | msn: m...@steve.dalts.net |
yahoo:daltonsp | aol: spidie100 | twitter: @spidie | mynetfone:09203861

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