Hi there,


I am using apache to proxy https requests to a remote server using the
AllowCONNECT method and am using ProxyRemote to send everything. What I
really need to do is limit what the proxy will send but everything I try
is not giving me what I want.


Client issues the request for https://www.anotherdomain.com:8444/URL
after setting their browser proxy settings to my proxy server.


Which is fine and gets proxied using the CONNECT Method, but if the
browser issues any other request, e.g hourly RSS get, different homepage
on startup etc. then these all get sent to the Proxy and onwards. This
is okay but I want the proxy to stop these requests unless they match
the URI specified.


My current config is as follows:


ProxyRequests On

ProxyTimeout 60


<Proxy *>

Order Allow,Deny

Allow from all



ProxyPass /server-status !


ProxyRemote * http://a.n.otherproxy:8080

AllowCONNECT 8444


I have tried using the mod_setenvif to set access control,e.g:


SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/URL/* let_me_in

<Proxy *>

Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from env=let_me_in



However this only seems to work on straight HTTP calls and not on the
CONNECT method.


Any ideas?





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