Nick Kew wrote:
Pascal S. Clermont wrote:

A conjunction of network based auth + "SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "^192\.168\.1\.\d{1,3}$" REMOTE_USER=LOCAL_IP" might be suitable for my current needs.

That looks like a re-invention of "Satisfy Any".
If you are re-inventing a wheel, kudos for NOT doing
the "usual thing" and hacking it with mod_rewrite!

But I could be missing something from earlier in the thread :)

Ah, we got an expert on the line !
Rephrasing the original question :
- an Apache application of which we do not have the source code and cannot thus modify, requires an Apache authenticated user-id - however, for the select group of users accessing the application from the network, we want to save them the bother of logging in, and automatically attribute them the user-id of "internal".

Question : is there any combination of standard Apache directives/modules which can achieve that ?

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