Hello, I want to redirect all pages which have a .htaccess restriction to
SSL before
the user is prompted for authentication: This is a common problem, as
described here:


Redirect in htaccess works fine on it's own, and authentication in htaccess
works fine on it's own.
However when you combine them, what happens is, the authentication
directives trump the Rewrite directives, and the redirect only happens after
they have been authenticated. An example being:

SSLOptions +StrictRequire
ErrorDocument 403 https://myserver.com/
AuthName "Please log in"
require valid-user
order allow,deny
satisfy any

This leads to a double log in issue. Once over HTTP and then again over

What I would like to do, is separate out the directives that need to apply
on HTTP connections,
with those that need to apply over HTTPS (SSL) connections. In Apache1.x it
appears you could do
this in one htaccess file:

<IfModule !mod_ssl.c>
SSLOptions +StrictRequire
ErrorDocument 403 https://myserver.com/
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
AuthName "Please log in"
require valid-user
order allow,deny
satisfy any

But I can't get it to work in Apache 2.2.x

Has anyone got any recommendations on applying different directives
depending on whether it's
port 80 or port 443 ?


Paul Reilly
Systems Group
IS Services
Trinity College Dublin
e: paul.rei...@tcd.ie
p: +353-1-896-2152

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