
After scanning all other docs, I still cannot figure out how to do the
(Apache 2.2.4 on a Suse 11.0 box)

I have a directory (in my server tree) with a web application.
I have several virtual host (about 20 at the moment), I want to have use
this directory (without that it's viewable from the URL by the
end-user). The php scripts there will solve the attachement to the right
user (via a MySQL DB).

So what I did was making a softlink from the virtual user directory to
the applications directory (both under htdocs)
But whatever I do, I get a 403 error (no access).
I have verified that all files are accessible, there are no typo's. I
tried to add a Directory blok in the httpd.conf file wich allows acces
for everybody and symbolic links, etc. etc.

Some ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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