linux, apache 2.2.10


my situation is as follows.
i have activated mod_deflate by:

LoadModule deflate_module /usr/lib/apache/
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/x-javascript text/x-js text/javascript

In test.shtml Page (SSI) i do an include of an php-file.

significant line of shtml is:
<!--#include virtual="/shtml/test.php" -->

test.php just echos "test test test".
This works if php runs as mod_php. If i switch to php-cgi by Addhandler directive no page is displayed. In this case Browsers have problems to decompress.
lynx shows:

HTTP-Verbindung zu wird aufgebaut.
HTTP Request wird geschickt.
HTTP Request geschickt; warten auf Antwort.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Übertragung komplett.
/usr/bin/gzip -d --no-name /tmp/XXXXyy8RKi/L19458-597TMP.html.gz
Obacht: Temporäre Datei konnte nicht dekomprimiert werden!

Last line means that Temp-File could not decompressed.
I have no idea why. I tried with RemoveOutputFilter shtml after the AddOutputFilterByType but was not working.
How to avoid this without deactivating mod_deflate?


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