You should post your question again, perhaps someone will answer it this time!


John M. Dlugosz wrote:
I'm ready to tear my hair out!!!

Here is one conf file:

<VirtualHost *>
   ServerAdmin webmas...@localhost
#    ServerName
       ServerAlias lrrh.lamp4
   DocumentRoot /var/www/lrrh/docroot
   ErrorLog    /var/www/lrrh/logs/error_log
   CustomLog    /var/www/lrrh/logs/access_log combined

   <Directory /var/www/lrrh/docroot>
       AllowOverride None
       Order allow,deny
       allow from all
       AddHandler cgi-script .pl
       Options +ExecCGI

   <Directory /var/www/lrrh/log>
       Deny from all

       <Location /perl-status>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache2::Status


Here is another conf file:

<VirtualHost *>
   ServerAdmin webmas...@localhost
   ServerAlias wiki.lamp4
   DocumentRoot /var/www/wiki/docroot
   ErrorLog    /var/www/wiki/logs/error_log
   CustomLog    /var/www/wiki/logs/access_log combined

   <Directory /var/www/wiki/docroot>
       AllowOverride None
       Order allow,deny
       allow from all
       AddHandler cgi-script .pl
       Options +ExecCGI

   <Directory /var/www/wiki/log>
       Deny from all

   <Location /perl-status>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache2::Status



This is Apache 2.2.3 running on Debian Etch 64-bit.
The permissions and owner/group on the respective docroot directories
are the same.
A minmal file "" copied right from the Apache manual, given
execute permission, is placed in the docroot directory.  It is copied to
the other.

One works, one doesn't.


I'm running this on a LAN clone of the server, so my test is using the
ServerAlias name for both.  The one that doesn't work will download the
file in the browser, rather than running it.

There is nothing in the global file (apache2.conf) that mentions either
of these, so the settings that are right for one should be right for the
other, right?

The log shows "200" when the file is downloaded (not run), and there is
nothing in the error log.
Is there any way to tell what Apache is thinking when it decides how to
handle a request?


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