Hi Everyone, 

This is my first post to this list, so I apologize if this question has already 
been addressed. 

I am currently running Apache 2.2.9 on a Windows XP SP3 box (development 
machine). I have a certain directory that appears in all of my virtual hosts as 
part of the backend servlet engine. I have added the following to my Apache 
httpd.conf file: 

<Location /some/directory> 
Order deny,allow 
Deny from all 
Allow from 

This works perfectly to prevent any public users from accessing that directory 
on my site. However, when I visit that directory on the site, I get an Error 
403 (Forbidden). Obviously, this gives away the fact that that directory even 
exists. As such, I would also like to take a kind of "Security by Obscurity" 
approach by forwarding all Error 403 requests to Error 404. If possible, I 
would like to avoid messing with mod_rewrite and really don't want to create 
custom error pages for every error...although I will if that's the best 
solution. So, is there some kind of code that I can use that will just forward 
those requests to another error template? 


<Location /some/directory> 
Order deny,allow 
Deny from all 
Allow from 
ErrorDocument 403 some code to forward it to ErrorDocument 404 

Any help will be much appreciated! :-) 



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