Hello *,

sorry for bother you with this question but I would like to ask you if it's
possible to setup Proxy as is mentioned below.

In the my configuration file of Apache 2.2.10 is for setting up my
ProxyPassReverse    /myapplication/<>
ProxyPassReverse    /myapplication/
RewriteRule ^/myapplication$<>[P]
RewriteRule ^/myapplication/(.*)$1<$1>[P]

It is working correctly without problem.

I would like to add another proxy but I do not know how?
When to user will start URL with https://<ipaddress>/wbm_<new_ip/
then new_ip should be called in the new window so that https://<new_ip>/
will be opened.

RewriteRules are:
RewriteRule ^/wbm_(.*)$     http://$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^/wbm_(.*)/(.*)    http://$1/$2  [P]

Is it possible to write down to the configuration file of apache following:
ProxyPassReverse /wbm_(.*)/ http://$1/

Or is there any other way how to do that?

Thank you in advance

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