The mod_fcgid page says to ask on dev, but dev says don't ask usage questions.
I assume that this is the right place to ask.

I'm using mod_fcgid from svn with HTTPD 2.2.

I want to use a fast CGI authorizer to allow me to control access based on my rules.
The authorizer needs to be a long running process - never exits.

I know that the fcgid code is noticing the directive because I can change the filename
and see the error message from the sources.

But I'm at a lose as to the required to get this configuration to actually call my code.

I have the following fcgid specific lines in my httpd.copnf file:

---- httpd.conf ----
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/

MaxProcessCount 1

Listen *:9000
<VirtualHost *:9000>
   <Location />
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       AuthType Digest
       AuthName "Manager System"
       Require valid-user
       AuthGroupFile /home/bscott/Work/httpd-fcgid-test/auth/
       AuthUserFile /home/bscott/Work/httpd-fcgid-test/auth/http.passwd

FastCgiAuthorizer /home/bscott/wc/svn/NTB-Next/onelan/DSM/Sources/WebUserInterface/bin/Authorizer

   <Location /player>
#+ HTTP auth file
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       AuthType Digest
       AuthName "Manager System"
       Require valid-user
       AuthGroupFile /home/bscott/Work/httpd-fcgid-test/auth/
       AuthUserFile /home/bscott/Work/httpd-fcgid-test/auth/http.passwd
       #- HTTP auth file



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