>  Can you get mod_diagnostics
>> output to track the data running through the filter?
>> I'll try that after lunch. Ask if you want to know anything else. (I can
> for example packet sniff the connection between IE and the proxy, and give
> you the debug output of mod_proxy_html in that constallation. Provided you
> are interested in that information.)
Okay, I have created a debian package with alien (as there does not seem to
exist a native debian package), and gotten apache to load the module.
Which configuration makes it give it the output you want? (on
http://apache.webthing.com/mod_diagnostics/ I don't see any usage

If I still used the old version of proxy-html, I guess I'd change the filter
chain to "SetOutputFilter diagnostics proxy-html diagnostics"?
But that line is commented out now, and replaced by "ProxyHTMLEnable On".
So just tell me how to generate the output you want to have. I'd then send
the output to your email adress only, as there is no need for the
application data to be on the public list.


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