On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:21 PM, <chuck.pa...@travelchannel.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> We are switching out mod_ajp for mod_jk and have ran into a wall  with
> ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.
> With mod_ajp we have this setting
> <Proxy balancer://potapp>
>   BalancerMember ajp://tomcat05:8009 smax=20 min=0 max=10 loadfactor=1
> flushpackets=on route=node1
>   BalancerMember ajp://tomcat06:8009 smax=20 min=0 max=10 loadfactor=1
> flushpackets=on route=node1
> </Proxy>
>  ProxyPass /travelchannel balancer://potapp/travelchannel/
>   ProxyPassReverse /travelchannel balancer://potapp/travelchannel/
>   ProxyPass /travel balancer://potapp/travel/
>   ProxyPassReverse /travel balancer://potapp/travel/
>   ProxyPass /AppConsole balancer://potapp/AppConsole/
>   ProxyPassReverse /AppConsole balancer://potapp/AppConsole/
> When we try to use these setting that work with mod_ajp, we get a 404 with
> mod_jk. I have no clue. Do I need to do something different with
> ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse? I been seaching the net with no luck.
> CHUCK PAYNE |  Unix System Administrator
You need to make sure that your URLs are balanced - if the URL you are
passing ends in a slash, then the URL you are passing it to must also, and
vice versa.


ProxyPass              /travelchannel/   balancer://potapp/travelchannel/
ProxyPassReverse /travelchannel/    balancer://potapp/travelchannel/



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