You are in the right list, unfortunately I cannot help you, but I'm sure
someone will.

2009/11/18 request4spam <>

> Forgive me (and direct me, please) if this is not the best list for such a
> question -- I searched the list information & this is the best I could come
> up with.
> I'm using libapreq2 to process in-the-stream POSTs in order to detect
> uploads. Long story short is that I get APR_EOF returned from
> apreq_parser_run() when uploads/attachments are fairly large (>200k or so;
> The process works correctly otherwise). Due to this, apr_table_do() does not
> return information about the actual upload.
> Here is my code:
> apr_table_t* pPostBody            = apr_table_make(m_pAprPool,
> apr_bucket_alloc_t* pBucket        = apr_bucket_alloc_create(m_pAprPool);
> apr_bucket_brigade* pBrigade    = apr_brigade_create(m_pAprPool, pBucket);
> apreq_parser_t* pParser            = apreq_parser_make(
>         m_pAprPool,
>         pBucket,
>         pfnParserFunc,
>         "C:\\Users\\joeuser\\AppData\\Local\\Temp",    //    :TODO: FET
>         NULL,
>         NULL);
> //  The entire post data (e.g. HTTP body) is in pData with uiDataLen length
>         apr_bucket_immortal_create(pData, uiDataLen,
> pBrigade->bucket_alloc));
> apr_bucket_eos_create(pBrigade->bucket_alloc));
> apr_status_t rv = apreq_parser_run(pParser, pPostBody, pBrigade); // rv
> will be APR_EOF here with ~ >= 200k attachments
> apr_table_do(AprPostBodyIterCallback, &iterCbData, pPostBody, NULL); //
> AprPostBodyIterCallback only gets hit for a couple keys; no upload
> params/etc.
> What am I doing wrong?! Please help!
> Thanks,
> Bryan

Rodrigo Aliste P.

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