Write your own 404 page? Is that good enough?

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Haroon Rafique

> Hi there,
> I am running a reverse proxy (using mod_proxy) and I would like to
> internally rewrite (using mod_rewrite) certain files and instead send their
> pre-compressed .gz versions. I have minified and compressed versions of .js
> and .css files available with .gz extensions (using yuicompressor, if it
> matters) through the proxied backend. The files may or may not be physically
> located on the reverse proxy (depending on whether the backend is running on
> the same machine or not). This is what has worked for me as follows:
> RewriteEngine On
> # static .js files should be internally redirected to gzipped ones
> RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/rxp/.+\.js$
> RewriteRule ^(.+\.js)$ proxy:balancer://glassfishcluster$1.gz
> [E=gz:gz,E=jsgz:jsgz,L]
> # static .css files should be internally redirected to gzipped ones
> RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/rxp/.+\.css$
> RewriteRule ^(.+\.css)$ proxy:balancer://glassfishcluster$1.gz
> [E=gz:gz,E=cssgz:cssgz,L]
> # set some headers for gzipped content
> Header set Content-Encoding gzip env=gz
> Header set Content-Type text/javascript env=jsgz
> Header set Content-Type text/css env=cssgz
> The above works well so far. The Content-Encoding and the Content-Type
> headers are okay as well. The only problem is if the requested URL is not
> available (e.g., typo). Then I do get a 404, but since the Content-Encoding
> header still says gzip, the browser displays:
>        * Content Encoding Error
>          The page you are trying to view cannot be
>          shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of
>          compression.
> Any way around the "improper" 404 screen? In general, is my rewrite
> strategy above somewhat sound? Comments, thoughts are welcome.
> This is on RHEL Server 5.3.
> Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix)
> Server built:   Nov 17 2009 16:38:48
> Compiled in modules:
>  core.c
>  worker.c
>  http_core.c
>  mod_so.c
> Thanks,
> --
> Haroon Rafique
> <haroon.rafi...@utoronto.ca>
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