Ramesh wrote:

I have a web site which I would want to allow only users after authenticating them against our Active Directory. I wanted to place .htaccess file in the main web folder

1. Do I need to install "mod_authz_ldap" module ? And is there any other module which I would need to install ?

2. Also what should I mention in .htaccess file to ask it to authenticate users against my Active Directory ?

Thank you.

Hi Ramesh,

You need to configure Apache to authenticate against your AD and this has nothing to do with an .htaccess file. Yes, you need mod_authnz_ldap and also mod_ldap. There are quite a few HOWTO type documents for doing this on the web and describe this process fairly well. What I'd like to do is authenticate over an encrypted TCP/IP session like SSL. I haven't managed to get that working yet. Here the relative section of my Apache vhost conf for non-SSL auth with AD:

       <Location /projects>
               Order deny,allow
               Deny from all
               Allow from all
               AuthType Basic
               AuthName "***"
               AuthBasicProvider "ldap"
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://***:3268/DC=***,DC=***?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)"
               AuthLDAPBindDN "*...@***.***"
               AuthLDAPBindPassword "***"
               AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Off
               require valid-user

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