
 We are trying to configure apache to accept client certificate when
accessing the page from client side. Here is the configuration,

<VirtualHost ********:4406>
        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteOptions inherit
        ServerName ***************************
        JkMountFile /apps/local/apache-ssl/conf/
        JkRequestLogFormat     "%w %V %T"
        SSLCertificateFile certs/services.crt
        Include conf/shared-ssl.conf
        <Location /Dummy>
                SSLCACertificatePath /apps/local/ssl_certificates/clients
                SSLVerifyClient require

When we try to access the page we get page cannot be displayed message and
in the log files we get Re-negotiation handshake failed: Not accepted by
The certificate files inside  /apps/local/ssl_certificates/clients was
provided by client.

We are using Apache/2.0.63 , openssl-0.9.8h and Jboss 4.0.4.GA

Could someone throw some light on this issue?

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