You need to increase ServerLimit and MaxClients to 600 for example.
MaxClients is limited by ServerLimit.  In turn ServerLimit is limited by
the physical resources you have at your disposal.
Considering you have a highly thread-capable server with plentiful
memory 600 should be a safe limit, provided you only load the modules
that you need.
Also you could consider using the worker MPM, which will require much
fewer child processes.


        From: Vikrama Sanjeeva <> [mailto:Vikrama
Sanjeeva <>] 
        Sent: 25 January 2010 13:57
        Subject: [us...@httpd] Help me in setting up MaxClients
        Hello All,
        This is regarding production servers. Recently Apache server hit
MaxClient settings; resulting in crash of sites. However, sites was back
to normal after restarting Apache.
        I read about MaxClient settings and increase it from 200 to 250
(as I read somewhere that 256 is a limit). Since then sites are working
fine. But still I see average concurrent request on Apache is 180-200
which sometime goes to 220 as well. This is threatening, as we are
planning to put more sites live on same Apache. 
        Therefore, I am considering to increase MaxClient in order to
handle "at-least" 600 concurrent request. 
        I will be grateful if somebody can assist me in setting the
right values for ServerLimit, MaxClient, MinSpareServers and
MaxSpareServers. Also, what maximum values I can have for MaxClients
(want to know max concurrent users Apache can handle.)
        Machine Specs are:
        Manufacturer: Sun
        Model: T5240
        Operating System: Solaris 10 10/08 s10s_u6wos_07b SPARC
        CPU(s): 2x UltraSPARC-T2+ @1415 MHz; 128 Cores 128 Threads
        Memory: 32544 MB
        Apache Version:
        Server version: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix)
        Server built:   Jan  5 2009 22:19:26
        Existing MaxClient Settings:
        <IfModule prefork.c>
        StartServers       8
        MinSpareServers    5
        MaxSpareServers   20
        MaxClients       250
        MaxRequestsPerChild  0
        Note: I am not good in Solaris/*.nix commands :(

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