
I've beat my head on this wall far too long, and googled the heck out of it,
so I'll ask the mailing list on what should be a simple problem.

I have some text files on a linux host with .log and .properties
extensions.  When these are sent to a windows browser, they do not have
CR/LF and so each line wraps to the next and they don't format well in the
browser.  I would like to have the Apache HTTP server treat these the same
as .txt files, but I've been unable to find the configuration I need to

I tried adding
AddType text/html .log
AddType text/html .properties

and that didn't do it.  Then I tried
AddHandler type-map .log
AddHandler type-map .properties

and that was a no go.

I tried adding these to the mime.types file.

About all I can think of now is to process these files via a CGI script to
output them line by line with a <BR> if necessary, but that seems like
complete overkill.

Can anyone help?



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