On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Harald Falkenberg <
harald.falkenb...@desy.de> wrote:
[ ... ]

> Now I observed, that it takes a long time to change the onwership of the
> processes, which I set via the 'user' and 'grou' derictives in httpd.conf.
> After the ownership changed, the processes serve immediately the requests.

I am not sure how you have observed this, but my suspiction is you are
observing a side-effect of the delay, not the cause of the delay itself.
 One possibility is that your configuration requires a large number of DNS
resolutions; others have suggested other possibilities.

Apart from educated guessing, I unfortunately don't know of a better way to
debug this than to comment out parts of the configuration to see what is
causing the delay.  I suspect if you start with a minimal configuration you
will find that the process user and group are changed very quickly.

> Did anybody observe something simular and has an idea what might cause this
> long delay in changing the ownership? Is it possible to to debug the startup
> phase of the apache, to see were the processes spend their time?

A tool to debug this would be extremely useful, but unfortunately I'm not
aware of any.


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