We are running apache 2.2.6 on  a Linux maxchine. 
We have the following code in our httpd.conf file
<Directory /usr/local/indico/MaKaC>
 <FilesMatch  "confRegistrationFormDisplay.py">
    AuthUserFile /WWW/httpd/conf/.htpasswd
    AuthName "HP2010 Web Site"
    AuthType Basic
    <Limit GET>
    require user organizer
</Directory >
Every time someone goes to 
http://www1.weizmann.ac.il/MaKaC/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py the person is 
indeed asked for a user name and password.  However, 
http://www1.weizmann.ac.il/MaKaC/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py really takes 
parameters e.g.
and what I really want to do is require a password only for certain parameter 
values. So
http://www1.weizmann.ac.il/MaKaC/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py?confid=2 would 
require a user and password but
not require a user and password.
When I tried adding ?confid=3 to the <FilesMatch> directive, it did not work.  
Is there any way to do this?
thanks for any information.

Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

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