I am working on a product that recently migrated from IIS to Apache 2.2. The
product has an ISAPI extension that needs to support thousands of concurrent
clients. Since IIS supports asynchronous I/O, the ISAPI extension component
has been designed to leverage the benefits of asynchronous I/O. However,
Apache doesn't support asynchronous I/O, and we are considering a custom
implementation over the latest stable release. Before doing that, I wanted
to check if someone is aware of asynchronous I/O support being added to
Apache, or if someone has already done a custom implementation that they
would be willing to share. Nick Kew claims in his book - The Apache Modules
- that Apache 2.4 is going to support asynchronous I/O and that the code is
already there in trunk. I got the latest code from trunk, but couldn't find
anything to suggest that asynchronous I/O has been added. Please let me know
if you believe that the code is there in trunk and that I overlooked it. We
need to have this done as early as possible, as the product ships in
June-July 2010 time-frame.

Thanks in advance for all the help.


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