
I use apache2.2.6 and SVN1.4.5 on Chinese version  of WINDOWS  XP platform and 
try to use ldap_module and authnz_ldap_module as authentication method . But I 
found that the 
error log of auth_ldap module in error_log file is  shown with hex format.  I 
try translate it as
 UTF-8  code, and it seems (not very sure) that the error message is not utf-8.

[Thu Oct 15 15:11:50 2009] [warn] [client] [9424] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user pant authentication failed; URI /bill/test/test/ 
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][\xb2\xd9\xd7\xf7\xb4\xed\xce\xf3]
[Thu Oct 15 15:12:38 2009] [warn] [client] [9424] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user pant authentication failed; URI /bill/test/ 
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][\xb2\xd9\xd7\xf7\xb4\xed\xce\xf3]

I would like to know how can I let the ldap module out the Chinese or English 
error message so 
I can understand it. And I wouldalso like to know how the ldap module output 
different error 
message for different language,many thanks.


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