So how are people out there in mailing list land handling centralized

I'd like to mirror my web farm's logfiles on a central server, but want
to be sure to preserve the W3C-ness so it's easy to run awstats, etc
against them from off this central box.

The options I see so far are:

    - Piping to syslog via external process (perl script, etc).
        * Downside being that we end up with syslog timestamps
    - Pipe to something like netcat
        * Custom-ish / hacky
    - Fire off some sort of synchronization process from central box to
      pull in logs (rsync) periodically.
        * Asynchronous -- there's a somewhat large window of time where
          logs will be missing on the internal server.
    - Log directly to shared, remote file server (via NFS)
        * Log server network issues or technical problems could affect
          Apache servers

How do you guys typically deal with this?


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