
I have a bunch of apache servers which are load balanced. I have configured
them in such manner that each server adds header
X-Server-Name with proper hostname.

In my apache.conf I have:

Header add X-Server-Name "%{HOSTNAME}e"

I have exported HOSTNAME before launching apache and everything works as it
But I would like to configure apache to show hostname only for my inner
network 10.
So I added SetEnvIf:

SetEnvIf Remote_Addr !^10\. HOSTNAME=foo.bar.com
Header add X-Server-Name "%{HOSTNAME}e"

but negation of network didn't work, I have also tried:
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr [^(10\.)] HOSTNAME=foo.bar.com

but it didn't worked either.
Has anyone used negation in SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ?

Documentation says:
Syntax:    SetEnvIf attribute regex [!]env-variable[=value]
[[!]env-variable[=value]] ...

so why any of those regex's doesn't work?

Thanks in advance

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