
On Apr 30, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Luis Neves wrote:

> Hi list members,
> see here
> I am the original poster of this issue, unfortunally so far I have no answers 
> to my problem and maybe you can give me some clues
> I think this issue is not only related to the logs apache is creating "in 
> ssl_engine_kernel.c" but must be in another place as well, i say this because 
> the mod_authz_ldap is using the incorreclty values (with '\x') to query the 
> ldap directory.
> So IMHO it needs fixing somewere else too.....

I am not sure, but I think what's going on is that 
modules/ssl/ssl_engine_vars.c calls X509_NAME_oneline() on line 382 and 388 (in 
trunk).  This populates the "environment" variables that I assume you have 
configured to pass on to mod_authz_ldap.  Per Stephen Henson on the 
openssl-users list, the right function to use is X509_NAME_print_ex() using 
(per Kaspar Brand on the d...@httpd list) a memory BIO and XN_FLAG_RFC2253 for 

Using X509_NAME_print_ex() in these spots would get the DN out of the 
certificate in a sensible format.  The problem is, however, that the 
ssl_var_lookup_ssl_cert() function returns a char *, not a wchar_t *.  So, even 
if we were to have get the certificate data in the right format, we couldn't 
pass it up the call stack without escaping it since ssl_var_lookup_ssl_cert(), 
ssl_var_lookup_ssl(), ssl_var_lookup() and all the functions that call it all 
expect a char *, and return a char *.  This goes up all the way to the 
ssl_hook_Fixup() function registered as  the ap_hook_fixups handler for 
mod_ssl: this is where the "environment" gets populated with stuff that 
mod_authz_ldap can use.  To fix this issue would mean making this call stack 
Unicode clean all the way to the top.  This of course may cause an avalanche of 
side effects throughout the code, so before you know it you're rewriting the 
entire web server.  

So regarding your last comment on the OpenSSL list, it's not that basic.  
mod_ssl has been part of Apache for ten years or more, and existed as a third 
party module before that.  I would not be surprised if Unicode did not exist 
when this code was written, so the reason we use a legacy function there is 
that it is, really, legacy code.  

I doubt you're the first to run into this issue.  However, apparently no one 
confronted with the problem of UTF-8 characters in a client certificate DN has 
had the time, acumen and energy to solve the problem.  

> I need somebody to confirm this because if it is the case I need to find 
> other way to check the certificates
> If not, so how do I am suposed to use the correct values on the other modules?
> and lastly: should a BUG be filed for this?

As it happens, there is a partial patch in bug 48780:

However, I don't know if you can stuff Unicode DNs into a char * like Peter is 
doing.  And we'd have to do the same thing for the Issuer field.  But if this 
works, maybe we should entertain it.  Luis, would this solve your problem? 


> Thank you a lot
> Luis
> just for context, heres my first post on this problem:
> I am trying to match the values coming from apache/mod_ssl/mod_authz_ldap 
> against some fields (subjectDN and issuerDN) in an Openldap directory
> the problem is that Apache is receiving certificate data that contains UTF8 
> encoded chars
> That chars are being incorrectly encoded with '\x' characters (deprecated 
> source code? bug?) and this is making the effect of mod_authz_ldap failing 
> the query with "bad search filter" error
> Here some example data on the ssl_error.log
> I need help on solving this, Iam sucked and dont know what to do to put this 
> thing working
> Can someboby help me please?
> PS: Im using Apache 2.2.3 on a Centos 5.4, against openldap
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Sander Temme
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