On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 16:40 +0530, Sakthi Esakiappan wrote:
> Hello,
> We have 2 sites domain.com & domain.co.uk which has separate data. We
> want the UK customers to land only in domain.co.uk and reset of the
> people should land in domain.com. Is there any possibility for doing
> this Apache
> -- 
> With Regards,
> Sakthi Esakiappan.M
> Server Administrator
> MercuryMinds Technologies Pvt Ltd
> www.mercuryminds.com "An E-Commerce mentor"
> sakthi.esakiap...@mercuryminds.com
> www.mercuryminds.com

Bear in mind that you don't get to pick which URL your customers will
use, so you may get UK customers going to .com and vice-versa.

As already mentioned, mod_geoip will allow you to redirect clients to
the 'correct' URL, although you may wish to provide a mechanism to
override that in the event that one user group really does want to go to
the 'wrong' URL.

Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer, Managed Services Manpower
QinetiQ - Delivering customer-focused solutions
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