I spent some time moving a few sites I own to a single server running a
single apache2 instance. The primary site runs fast. The other sites run
terribly slow for some reason. The primary site is on ETH0, and the other
sites are on ETH0:1, ETH0:2, ETH0:3, etc. I've worked through documentation
to remove all error messages and my syntax tests clean. I would post
configuration files, but like I said, my configurations test good.


Server version: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)

Server built:   Mar  9 2010 21:54:09


These sites worked fine on the same server in a KVM virtualized environment.
Now that I moved them to the primary host on aliased interfaces, they run


I'm not sure what information to provide that would be useful? Has anyone
else experienced this problem?

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