When I use an application on Windows Vista that communicates with our server 
(using Apache 2.2.13 and OpenSSL 0.9.8k), it succeeds if I use the IP address 
of the server, but it fails when I use the FQDN of the server.  When using the 
FQDN, I noticed that the packet (Client Hello) comes to the server with the 
FQDN (server name) in it.  I believe this is part of the new SNI (Server Name 
Indication) feature of TLS.

Is there a way, without recompiling Apache or OpenSSL, to disable this SNI 
checking on the server?  I tried putting the SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck directive 
in the .conf file, but it had no effect.  Also, making the ServerName directive 
in the .conf file the same as what is coming across in the packet, had no 
effect either.

Or, is there a way within Vista to disable the sending of the server name in 
the packet?

Thanks in advance,

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