Hello, this is my first post on this mail-list. I search on the web
for questions and I got different solution, so I decided to write here
to have best opinion about it.

I have a Debian Lenny server with apache2 stable package installed, it
works great. I want to add the Monit web interface to my server on
host/monit directory.

By default Monit comes on host:2812, and I want to change it to 80 port.

Where I must config it? /etc/apache2/apache2.conf?

I have this example:

<VirtualHost directe.ras.cat:80>
  ServerAdmin webmas...@localhost
      ServerName directe.ras.cat

      ProxyRequests Off

      ProxyPass / http://directe.ras.cat:8000/
      ProxyPassReverse / http://directe.ras.cat:8000/

      <Location />
              Order allow,deny
              Allow from all

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/directe.ras.cat_error.log

  # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
  # alert, emerg.
  LogLevel warn

  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/directe.ras.cat_access.log combined

It is on diferent host (directe.ras.cat), I just need to change to
other directory (host/monit).

What I must change?

Thanks afor all and best regards.

Josu Lazkano

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