I am having some applications which I have not developed.
The names are
docebolms http://www.dokeos.com/
efront http://www.efrontlearning.net/
dokeos http://www.dokeos.com/
claroline http://www.claroline.net/
atutor http://www.atutor.ca/
olat http://www.olat.org/website/en/html/index.html
sakai  http://sakaiproject.org/

Downloaded from internet.All these are web based.
I am having Ubuntu 10.04 as setup
I have tested all these applications by installing them on the server
separately i.e. copied
application in /var/www and then accessed on LAN all worked fine each
time I formatted the server and had a new installation of Operating

Now I want all of them to be present on the same server and wish they
can be accessed behind a reverse proxy from internet.

I kept them in
/var/www as


 setting up of a ReverseProxy
so that

ProxyPass /application1 http://myserver.com/application1
ProxyPassReversr /application1 http://myserver.com/application1

ProxyPass /application2 http://myserver.com/application2
ProxyPassReversr /application2 http://myserver.com/application2

ProxyPass /application3 http://myserver.com/application3
ProxyPassReversr /application3 http://myserver.com/application3

ProxyPass /application4 http://myserver.com/application4
ProxyPassReversr /application4 http://myserver.com/application4

some how this did not worked and applications could not be accessed

Here are apache headers

If some one can give me some clue as how should I go for setting them
or a VirtualHost do I need to create a separate vhost file for each of
these applications.


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