
you should try to telnet tomcat server from web server. 

telnet <host> <port>

If the telnet is successful, you need to check configuration of mod_proxy_ajp. 
If the telnet will be not successful, you have network problem. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 17.9.2010, at 18:18, Shantanu Pavgi <pa...@uab.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Apache http server and a Tomcat server configured using AJP 
> connector (mod_proxy_ajp). The http server serves HTML/PHP pages and also 
> proxies Java webapp requests to back-end Tomcat server. 
> System config: 
> * Both servers are running as Virtual Machines
> * CentOS 5.4
> * Apache Tomcat 6.0.26 and Sun JDK 1.6
> * Apache http: 2.2.3 (it's old, but that's what comes with default CentOS 
> repo)
> We are getting HTTP 500/503 errors quite frequently, but they appear to be 
> random in nature and hence difficult to debug. I have tried increasing 
> following config parameters, but it didn't help:  
> * On http server: max and smax connections in proxy_ajp.conf
> * On Tomcat server: maxThreads and maxSpareThreads in Tomcat's server.xml 
> Following logs were seen on both sides: 
> == Apache http server == 
> * In browser: 500/503 - internal server error.
> * In Apache logs at debug mode - same logs for 500 and 503 error: 
> {{{
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] ajp_header.c(430): ajp_marshal_into_msgb: 
> Done
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(239): proxy: 
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(244): proxy: data to read 
> (max 8186 at 4)
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(259): proxy: got 0 bytes 
> of data
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [error] ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [error] (120006)APR does not understand this error 
> code: proxy: read response failed from (tomcat.lab.uab.edu)
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] proxy_util.c(2062): proxy: AJP: has 
> released connection for (tomcat.lab.uab.edu)
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1765): OpenSSL: Write: 
> SSL negotiation finished successfully
> [Wed Sep 15 22:50:09 2010] [info] [client] Connection closed to 
> child 3 with standard shutdown (server httpd.lab.uab.edu:443)
> }}}
> * tcpdump on Apache http server: Shows a packet going out to Tomcat server
> == Tomcat server == 
> * In Tomcat logs catalina.out: No logs
> * In Tomcat access logs catalina.out: No logs
> * tcpdump on Tomcat: No incoming packet seen
> The request doen't seem to reach Tomcat at all. I have checked syslog 
> (/var/log/messages), but I don't see any dropped packet logs as well. 
> Anyone else had this issues before? Any pointers on how to debugs this would 
> be really helpful. 
> Thanks,
> Shantanu Pavgi.

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