Hello everybody.

Eric, thanks for the rapide response. I took the $PATH of least resistance, corrected Technique #1, and now it WORKS !

   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule .* - [E=SMUSER:%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}]

Result (setenv.pl):
   SMUSER="<my-LDAP-userid :-) >"
Thanks again, Dave

PS: I had no luck with setenvif but I'm more than happy with the RewriteRule.

Eric Covener wrote:
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:02 AM, David (Dave) Donnan
<david.don...@thalesgroup.com> wrote:
RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule .* - [E=SMUSER:%{$REMOTE_USER}]
RequestHeader set my_new_header %{SMUSER}e

        Result from my browser (setenv.pl):


I think the $ is extraneous and causing problems. Another potential
problem --  See the "lookahead" feature to figure out REMOTE_USER when
your RewriteRules are running in a phase before REMOTE_USER is set!

You may be able to wrap your rules in <Directory>, which makes the
Rewrite occur a little bit later, and might let some rules like this
work better.

Finally, why do you want to set the environment variable in a request
header? Is this just some debug you added along the way, or your
ultimate goal?

Question 1: The syntax is incredibly cryptic. Where might I look to help me
understand the %, e, {} etc.
The variable syntax for RequestHeader is defined in a table at the
bottom of the Header directive:


The syntax for mod_rewrite is midway down in the doc for RewriteRule:

Mind you, it works for simple text:

RewriteRule .* - [E=SMUSER:test]

Result: SMUSER="test"

2. Technique 2: setenv DAVESETENV "text"

    Result: DAVESETENV="text"

But, I've read that this is only a static string.


setenvif is a bit more flexible:

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