Hello all,

I am working with a solution that requires the usage of mod_proxy_balancer
and an application server that both ignores case and mixes different case
combinations in URLs found in generated content. The configuration works,
however I have now a new requirement that causes problems.

I should be able to create a location directive (as per
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#location ) and have the
URL-path interpret in case insensitive mode. This requirement comes from the
need to add authentication directives to the location. As you might guess,
users (or the application in question) changing one letter to capital
circumvents the protection instantly. The httpd runs on Unix platform so
every configuration directive is apparently case sensitive by default.

Should the regular expressions in the Location directive work in this case?
Could someone please show me an example of such configuration that should

In case a regular expression can not be forced to work case insensitively,
what part of httpd's source code should I go around modifying?

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