On 20.10.2010 11:47, Igor Galić wrote:

----- "Matus UHLAR - fantomas"<uh...@fantomas.sk>  wrote:

On 19.10.10 11:27, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
Subject: [announce] Apache HTTP Server 2.2.17 and 2.0.64 Released

    The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project
    pleased to announce the release of version 2.2.17 of the Apache
    Server ("Apache").  This version of Apache is principally a bug
    release, and a security fix release of the APR-util 1.3.10

      * SECURITY: CVE-2010-1623 (cve.mitre.org)
        Fix a denial of service attack against

      * SECURITY: CVE-2009-3560, CVE-2009-3720 (cve.mitre.org)
        Fix two buffer over-read flaws in the bundled copy of expat
        could cause httpd to crash while parsing specially-crafted
        XML documents.

does this mean that if I have apache compiled with external
apr-util-1.3.10 and external expat, I am safe?

Unless that external expat is the same version as the bundled copy.

It seems there


contains additional expat fixes, which have not been released as part of expat. Apr-Util conains expat 1.95.7 with those fixes added. There exists 1.95.8, but that doesn't seem to contain them. I don't know whether 1.95.8 or 2.0.1 are vulnerable or not.

Concerning the split brigade fix, note that a similar problem has been fixed in the module mod_reqtimeout. This module is relatively young, so not many configurations already activate it.



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